My Space Isn't Company Ready...

When should I have people over?

Housewarming Party?

Dear Tanya- 

I’ve been wanting to host a group of friends for awhile now. I recently moved and everyone has been asking about seeing my new place. I really want to show them what I’ve been so excited about.

My problem is, I want everything to be all finished and beautiful before I show anyone. This will take a while because I want to take my time on the decorating and save up for some new furniture. I am afraid that by the time I do that, noone will want to come over anymore. What should I do?

What’s your take?

 ***Obviously these letters are fiction, but they are based on real life scenarios. I am here to ENCOURAGE you to get out of your comfort zone and help you confidently start living life together.

This has been my number one goal- get people together! Click the link below for a free printable planner that does the thinking for you, you just follow the steps.

Greetings Friend!

I understand your predicament- you are not alone! Honestly, I think all of us are always in the middle of something. Fun can’t wait for perfect! Invite them over anyways, even when things are not complete or in flux or you are tired! THIS is when you need your friends the most! 

Fun can’t wait for perfect!
  • If they know you just moved, or are remodeling, or just had a baby or whatever fits your circumstance, they know you are in the process of creating a new space or lifestyle. More than likely, they just want to encourage you and be involved! 

  • My suggestion? Throw some blankets over those boxes (or hide them away and close the door), borrow some folding chairs and either order a pizza or ask friends to bring snacks.

  • I did this recently in a space that was entirely unfinished, plywood floor, wood studs and open gaps as windows! My family hung string lights with a nice long cord reaching a working outlet, brought in lawn furniture from outside and we had subs on paper plates. It was a fun and much needed break.

Everyone can use a fun evening and bonus: people just love a good before, during and after! 

Tip: Use this time as a practice to see how your new place works for gatherings. Is everyone bunched up in one little space? Why?  How could you change the flow, move some furniture around? Are some areas darker and could use a lamp? Do you notice some in the group dont play well with others? 

If you plan to have people over frequently, this will be valuable information and can help you with setting up your space (and who to include in future invites)! 


Plan more gatherings soon, and you will be motivated to accomplishment more before the next one.

I know nothing motivates me more to clean up my spaces than when company’s coming!

Most importantly, have fun! 
