Introduction- Part 2 What is a Small Group?

Hello Friend!

Last time we talked about the meaning of GLADS (Girls Laughing and Doing Stuff) and WHY we feel inadequate and hesitate agreeing to fun things and meeting new people.

Loneliness is a very real topic, pretty much trending right now, but always an issue. Since we were all stuck in our homes for so long, we lost our ability or courage to venture out and try new things and meet new people.

This was especially harmful for us introverts, even though at the time most of us loved not having to be social TBH. There are now tons of scienc-y studies and statistics coming out that show how “C” affected our overall ability to be social and now we are rusty at forcing ourselves to do things. This is a very real problem affecting people of all ages and all social types.

Today we are talking about WHAT we can do about it and cover some reasons to host something, anything, to get out of this rut.

People have been getting together for shared experiences for years, through more formal home parties that sell candles, pictures, oils, kitchen items, etc.  Many plan these gatherings, not necessarily because they want the product but as a reason to get people together.

Let me be the first to tell you, you do not need to be selling something in order to invite people into your home!

Read that again.

You do not need to be selling something in order to invite people into your home!

In fact, technically you don’t even need to have people IN your HOME for a GLADS group.  For example, there are a lot of places popping up around my town that can fill this need of getting people together.  Each are geared towards creating that shared experience, like painting pictures or pottery, or eating a good meal, or watching a show.  Some members of my GLADS group recently went on a weekend Ladies retreat together. It was an amazing experience and brought us all closer together, and created quiet time away for more personal conversations.


By removing the buying/selling aspect from the equation and hosting something simple in your home, attending a low cost activity or a visit to a free location, it frees up guests to just come and be ready to make friends, not worry how they can pay for it, or not attend at all for lack of funds. I will touch more on this topic in another post.

We all crave real face to face interaction with others, even introverts like ME! When we keep our thoughts on the goal, not on what media is saying to us, we are providing ourselves and others with the opportunity to fulfill that longing for relationship.

We all crave real face to face interaction with others, even introverts like ME!

Good now is better than perfect never.

Remember: good now is better than perfect never. I know! Its so well used, but still so very true. Now is the time to do something, not later after you think you have perfected the plan. Trust me, it will never be perfect, and you will miss so many opportunities and lose so much time waiting til all the stars align.



Start dreaming about what kind of GLADS group you could host right now without much effort. What are your interests, who you could invite? Pay attention to what you talk about often or find intriguing. Listen to what others around you are talking about. Has a new restaurant opened up? Is there a seasonal event happening? There are so many creative options out there at your disposal that do not take a lot of time, effort or money to participate in.

Sign up below for my FREE Planning pages to get you started!

Til next time!

Tanya Fee